Let’s Talk SEO-Friendly Website Design

Let’s Talk SEO Friendly Website Design

So you’re thinking about making your website more professional and SEO-friendly. Maybe you’ve consulted with a web designer or maybe you haven’t—either way, it’s important that you realize that just improving the design of your website isn’t enough. Search engine optimization (SEO) is just as important when it comes to creating a clean professional-looking website.  You need both an SEO strategy and professional website design in order to make the impact needed for success.  A user-friendly website that ranks well will always lead to success.

The reason for this goes back to the time-honored tradition of “show, don’t tell”: if you want to look professional, you have to show it, not just say it. The same holds true for your website design.  If you want visitors’ first impressions to be positive, you need to show them what a professional web experience looks like.

Good website design always begins with keyword research at its base—that is, determine which keywords your customers are likely to type into search engines like Google or Bing when trying to find sites like yours. Then, make sure that those keywords appear in the graphics, navigation, title tags, meta descriptions, and website content.  Without SEO-friendly web design, there is no digital marketing.  Period.

So How Do You Do It?

There are many different ways, but a good place to start is by using a clean easy-to-use website design that allows visitors to navigate around easily without having to click back or forward on their browser’s navigation panel (this will help Google rank your site higher).

And remember: don’t forget about mobile users! More people are browsing websites with their smartphones than ever before so it’s important that all content is optimized for those devices as well!

If you’re thinking about building your website yourself, here are some tips to help you create an SEO-friendly website:

  • Make sure your website is mobile-friendly (duh)
  • Post new content on a regular basis
  • Use alt tags on images and make sure all your images are SEO friendly 
  • Be sure to use the right titles on all of your pages
  • Make sure all your links work and add title tags to them 
  • Your site should have an SSL certificate 
  • You should include a sitemap.xml file and a robots.txt file on your site
  • Make sure you use the right keywords in the right places.

What are SEO-Friendly websites?

An SEO-friendly website is a website that has been built with search engine optimization in mind. An SEO-friendly website will generally have a higher page ranking and be included more in natural search results. It may sound simple, but let’s dive deeper into what an SEO-friendly website actually is, including the basics of how they’re made.

How Does Website Content Deliver Information To The Reader?

Today, people expect more from the websites they visit. They want a site that’s fast and easy to navigate, but also one that tells a story and actually delivers information in an approachable way.

Unfortunately, many businesses are falling into the same boring template trap because they think it’ll help their SEO. It might help your SEO slightly, but a lot of businesses are going to rank for the same keywords, and most people won’t even bother clicking on the second or third search result. They’re going to click on the one that offers them what they need right now—and if you can’t provide that with an interesting website design, they’ll move on to someone who can.

What Types of Keywords are You Choosing For Your Website Design?

You have to be careful when choosing the keywords you want to rank for in search engines. It is important that you are very specific with the content that you create and the keywords that you choose.

You might think that it would be more effective to choose more general keywords. However, this is not necessarily true. If you make your website about a very specific topic, then you will attract people who are interested in that topic. This means that they are probably already making search queries for exactly what your website has to offer them.

When it comes to SEO-friendly website design, there are several things that you can do. For one thing, you should make sure that your website is easy to navigate. If your visitors cannot find what they are looking for easily, then they will quickly leave your site and go somewhere else. You should also make sure that the content on your website is properly formatted so that search engines can find it easily and understand what it is all about.

Is Your Website Optimized For Speed?

If you answered no, it’s time to do something about it. A slow-loading website is bad news bears for a number of reasons—it drives away potential customers, and it makes your site look less professional and trustworthy. We know you’re not interested in either of those things!

It’s actually pretty easy to optimize your website for speed. Follow these rules, and you’ll be on your way to faster page loading in no time:

Start With Web Design Basics

Optimize your images so that they load quickly. Next, clear up code bloat by removing unnecessary elements from your website’s backend. Finally, make sure your host server is up to snuff: if it’s overloaded, you’re going to have a slow site.

SEO Friendly Framework

The best reason to use an SEO-friendly framework is that it makes sense to do so. It is an important element that helps increase your site’s traffic and draws in more customers.

You want your site to rank in the top ten of search engines and be the first page on Google, right? The problem is that if you haven’t built a site with an SEO-friendly framework, then you’re basically starting from square one. You have to go back and build up your website.

Most businesses don’t have the time or money to do this. They need their website up and running fast. That’s why they use an SEO-friendly framework. It will make things easier for them, and they’ll get more results from their efforts.

Content Management System (CMS)

Your website is your #1 marketing tool, and it’s important that you’re able to keep it updated regularly. You can do this yourself with our custom WordPress Content Management System, but you should also consider why doing so is the best choice:

It is cheaper. Hiring someone to manage content and changes for you can cost hundreds of dollars, especially if it’s an emergency that requires immediate action. If you know how to use Microsoft Word, you’ll be able to change things yourself at no extra cost and on your own schedule.

It’s easier, faster, and more convenient. You don’t have to hire someone or learn a new skill—you just log in and make the changes you want in minutes. Most of it is drag and drop.

Get what you want, when you want it. There’s no waiting for someone else to get around to making the updates for you; if it needs to happen NOW, then NOW is when it happens!

Website Design Can Help or Hurt Search Engine Optimization

At the end of the day, there are many factors that help determine if your website will have a good search engine ranking. But by using our affordable services you can bypass much of the hassle, save yourself time and stress, and get straight to having a professional website that will work hard for you. We look forward to providing you with a website that gets you more business.

Why Your Business Needs a Solid SEO Campaign

Why Your Business Needs a Solid SEO Campaign

You’re probably already aware that search engine optimization (SEO) is important. A well-optimized website comes in at first place on Google and Bing, right? So why aren’t you doing it? This article is for business owners who are still perplexed as to why competitors are getting ahead while they fall behind while they don’t pay attention to the value of a solid (and affordable) SEO strategy for their websites.

Customers Rely On Search Engines To Find Businesses

Why do you need an SEO campaign? One thing you have to remember is that potential customers, who are your ideal clients, rely on search engines to find your businesses. That means without SEO services, your business could be dead on arrival.

That’s because once a customer finds your website and sees a horrible design and lays eyes on poor content without having any idea of who you are or what your company does. They’ll bounce right off your website in milliseconds…or worse, they’ll stay and check out some of the links leading away from your site too.

A Solid SEO Campaign Has Better ROI than Traditional Marketing

Businesses worldwide are ever more reliant on the Internet, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical for companies hoping to grow their business. In fact, a good SEO campaign can deliver a better return on investment (ROI) than traditional marketing methods such as print, radio, or TV ads. In fact, you probably use many of these tactics without realizing it. Here we explore how this form of marketing works, and why SEO is important for businesses.

SEO is More Cost-Effective Long-Term

SEO is not just about ranking well for a specific keyword phrase anymore. It is about overall brand awareness and potential customers who have an interest in your brand, product, or service. The cost of SEO is significantly less than other forms of advertising, specifically Pay-Per-Click (PPC), and it is more likely to bring in new customers who are more targeted to your specific brand, products, or services.

SEO Will Help You Increase Your Brand Awareness

Wouldn’t you like to raise your brand awareness? That’s something almost every business wants. Over 70% of those surveyed say they want to increase their brand awareness. For some companies, this is accomplished using social media and other types of advertising on the Web.

But what about companies that rely 100 percent on organic search traffic to drive visits to their sites? Their only chance of ranking well in search engines is by doing SEO. Even for those who don’t rely on search engines, SEO still wins the race.

SEO is a Critical Component of Any Successful Marketing Strategy

Odds are you’ve heard about SEO and it might have seemed daunting or confusing at first. You’ve been doing some tweaking here and there, but haven’t been able to get a real handle on what’s going on. Marketing with SEO begins in the search engines themselves. They lay the groundwork and encompass everything that is involved in marketing through the Internet.

If Search Engines are number one, then SEO is number two (number two!). Following the same ranking pattern, advertising is number three, public relations number four and promotions are number five. Regardless of how you rank them, no matter where you fit into the mix, understand that each and every one of these factors plays together in crafting your online strategy.

All major search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo have primary search results, where web pages and other content such as videos or local listings are shown and ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant to users. Payment isn’t involved, as it is with paid search ads.

10 reasons Why You Can’t Ignore SEO

1. Customers are Researching Online Before Deciding
2. More Mobile Searches are Happening Everday
3. Better Conversion Rates Means More Sales
4. Increasing Long-Tail Keywords Directly Drive Business
5. Content is Still King (Technical SEO is Queen)
6. The Importance of Social Media Gets Bigger Every Second
7. Image Optimization Matters More Than You know
8. Video Optimization Is Now required
9. You Need Schema Markup for Your Business
10. SEO Is Not Going Anywhere

It’s Vitally Important For Businesses to Start an SEO Campaign Today

Hopefully, you’ll see that there is a real need for SEO for small businesses and large companies. The Internet is here to stay, and getting a good search engine ranking is more important than ever. It’s easy for a business to overlook the importance of SEO; after all, it’s not as tangible as advertising.

However, when you take into account the importance of organic traffic and the value it provides your business, you’ll quickly realize how vital effective SEO actually is. Ultimately, the best thing that you can do for your business today is to start developing an effective SEO campaign.